Aza Plus Pest Control Nutrient Notes
Aza Plus Pest Control is the strongest liquid Aza (3%) on the market. It is 2.5x stronger and more soluble than AzaMax!
Aza Plus Pest Control is the safest and most effective way to control grow room problems! When you’re dealing with pest control for an indoor garden, precautionary measures are the most important thing you can do. Take care of a problem before it becomes a problem. What is the easiest way to do this? By using an organic bio-insecticide such as Aza Plus to make sure you control pests in a safe way before they negatively affect your plants. Whether it’s spider mites, thrips, or any of the other problematic grow room pests, Aza Plus is your solution.
What is Aza?
Aza is an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) that offers broad spectrum insecticidal control on over 500 insect species. Aza prevents molting between larval, pupal and nymphal stages and also repels insects in treated areas, reducing insect infestations. Azadirachtin based pesticides are versatile; easily biodegradable, leaving no toxic residues and thereby keeping the environment clean and safe.
Why Aza Plus Pest Control?
There are other popular Aza products on the market, most notably AzaMax and Azatrol. How does Aza Plus stack up against them? Well, let’s take a look (click to enlarge)…
We found the application rates from product labels and instruction booklets and the MSRPs from various online retailers. As you can see, the best value by far is Aza Plus. Even though you get the least amount of actual liquid at 250 ml, it is so concentrated that the value is in the mix ratios. You just get so much more end product with Aza Plus than with any other Aza Product. In hydroponics, you want an effective product that is highly concentrated. Aza Plus is the strongest liquid Aza on the market, which means you get the most value for your money when you purchase Aza Plus. Nobody wants to pay for water, right?
If you use Aza products and are serious about pest control, you should be using Aza Plus because you’re wasting money if you’re not.
Aza Plus is OMRI Listed, therefore it is determined by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) to be suitable for use in certified organic production. Azadirachtin based pesticides are versatile; easily biodegradable, leaving no toxic residues and thereby keeping the environment clean and safe. Aza Plus is also registered with the US Environmental Protection Agency. When you’re controlling pests, you want to use something that is organic and safe, like Aza Plus.
Highly Effective
The key to using any Aza product is to use it as a preventative before the pests in your grow room become a problem. Sure, you can use it after an infestation with a heavier dose but why wait for a problem to occur when you can simply treat your plants once every week or two? If you use Aza Plus as a preventative maintenance, you will be able to use it at the lightest recommended dosage.
If you have a plant that is contaminated or heavily infested, then you’ll want to use a heavy application rate. I would only use the heavier mix ratio as the first treatment and then reduce the dosage. Aza Plus can be used for foliar and systemic insect control, but in our minds, this products works best as a preventative foliar spray.
Aza Plus Pest Control Additional Benefits…
• No known resistance
• No pest resurgence
• Aza Plus Pest Control is harmless to birds, mammals and beneficial insects such as bees, spiders and butterflies and insect natural enemies like predators and parasitoids
• On par with traditional insecticides and superior in control to other bio rational insecticides. An Integral part Integrated pest management strategy
• Aza Plus Pest Control is more cost effective than other bio-rational products
• Stable under room temperature conditions.
• Compatible with many synthetic pesticides and fungicides.
• Ideal for organic farming. Exhibits growth stimulant and phytotonic effects.
• Non Phytotoxic and no entry restrictions
• Aza Plus Pest Control is a unique, world-wide, patented technology
• Natural and safe to humans, animals and environment
• Aza Plus Pest Control is toxicologically safe
• Produce is free from residues
• Persistence up to three months
• Aza 3% is safe in terms of accidental ingestion as well as skin contact
Get more information about Aza Plus from the manufacturers website here!
If you want the best Aza product for your money, buy 3% Aza Plus. Aza Plus Pest Control is the best way to control pests. It contains better ingredients at higher concentrations. Aza products are pretty similar, so why not buy the one that gives you the best value?
Thanks for reading!
-Web Hydroponics
aza, aza plus, insect control, nutri+, pest control, spider mites