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One of the Best PH Meter and PPM Meters Available: Nutradip!

Beginners in Hydroponic gardening tend to make the common mistake of underestimating the accuracy, reliability and high quality in pH meters and nutrient meters. Many growers warn of the dangers of unchecked acidity levels and unbalanced nutrient concentrations that can lead to plant nutrient deficiencies. These plant nutrient deficiencies generally result in a weakened immune system that can’t fight against pests and diseases; inevitably this leads to a non-exist or diminished yield when it’s time to harvest.

NUTRADIP pH Meter (dual power) with probe and solutionBest PH Meter: Nutradip is my winner!

The use of pH meters and ppm meters in monitoring plant nutrient solutions has become standard practice and widely used in most hydroponic gardening communities around the globe. The latest pH meters and nutrient meters by Nutradip are manufactured by Future Harvest Development – a well-known and trusted brand that is a first choice for many hydroponic growers. The well-known Nutradip Tri-meter is a 3-in-1 hydroponic meter that features automatic temperature compensation and no batteries, and is classed as a reliable way to measure nutrient strength, temperature and pH levels all in one.

Best Nutrient Meter: Again, Nutradip!!!NUTRADIP ppm Meter (dual power) with probe and solution

Developed by Future Harvest Development the Nutradip Nutrient Meter provides an accurate and reliable way of measuring conductivity (EC) and nutrient strength (ppm) in hydroponic gardens. Made by growers for growers, this hydroponic nutrient meter comes with splash resistant properties, a lightweight design; a temperature compensated nutrient probe, a Nutradip calibration solution, and a replaceable 9V battery with dual power options for performing as a wall mounted or hand-held unit.

Measuring Acidity Levels with The Nutradip pH Meter

The Future Harvest Development Nutradip pH Meter is another essential hydroponic gardening tool which provides any grower with the ability to monitor nutrient pH with a portable or wall mounted unit. This meter features the same splash resistant and lightweight case as the Nutradip nutrient meter. It also includes the dual power option, and the same people-friendly and plant friendly display as the Nutrient Meter. The Nutradip pH meter also offers a 9V battery, a 1 year warranty, a Nutradip pH4/pH7, and a high quality pH probe.

Nutradip Tri-MeterWhy Nutradip?

The bottom line is that most of the deficiencies and setbacks with disappointing hydroponic yields and poor plant health are the result of failure to monitor pH levels and nutrient strength. Experienced growers know that reliable meters and regular attention are directly related to optimized plant nutrient uptake and exceptional harvests. As such, Nutradip has become synonymous with reliability and quality in monitoring pH and nutrient strength in hydroponic gardening. Don’t deceive yourself into thinking that your nutrient solution is optimized, confirm it with Nutradip.

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High Pressure Sodium vs. Metal Halide: Plant Lighting Uncovered!

Hydroponic gardening is a method of indoor growing that requires the right combination of techniques and equipment to increase growth rate and maximize crop yield for a larger harvest. Adequate plant lighting is one of the most critical elements to consider for maximum plant growth and healthy indoor gardens. In hydroponic gardening there are a variety of light options such as High Pressure Sodium plant lights (HPS), Metal Halide plant lights (MH), incandescent lights and fluorescent plant light to choose from. So, which should you use? We’ll focus on two of the more popular options, High Pressure Sodium (HPS) and Metal Halide (MH) bulbs…

ushio hilux gro super hps 1000 w double ended lampHigh Pressure Sodium Bulbs (HPS)

The High Pressure Sodium Bulb (HPS) is the top choice for a high powered indoor gardening plant light. The 1000W high pressure sodium bulb is able to offer around 24,000 hours of use with an average 140,000 lumen output. Although there is very little color change over time, the HPS bulb is limited because it doesn’t offer optimal PAR output (PAR = ‘Photosynthetically Active Radiation.’ Higher PAR values equal more efficient bulbs). As such, HPS light works in mostly the wrong frequency range for growing plants. The light spectrum that is emitted from the high pressure sodium bulb is mostly within the orange spectrum and emits little blue and red light. Despite its PAR limitations, this bulb is very powerful and the spillover of light emission in the most desirable PAR Spectrum is still more than adequate to supply the plant with enough light to maintain a healthy growth pattern.

Which HPS Bulb to Choose?

When buying HPS bulbs for indoor gardening it is imperative to choose one with output of 430-460 nm blue light and 680-700 nm red light. Bulbs that emit only orange and green spectrums offer little significant impact on the PAR value, and are virtually useless for plant growth.

Metal Halide (MH) Bulbsushio hilux gro 1000 watt amh opti-blue

Metal Halide Bulbs are another popular option for hydroponic indoor gardening. Coated with phosphor the MH bulb delivers a photon blue light output of 430-460nm – ideal for increasing plant growth in the vegetative growth stage. As a metal halide bulb ages, more red light develops. This can be beneficial for plant lighting during the bloom stage of plant growth; since more red light is required. The only drawback is that lumen output also drops-off as aging sets in. Metal Halide bulbs are rated for up to 10,000 hours of light (significantly less than HPS).

More about Metal Halide Bulbs

plantmax 1000 watt mhAlso, metal halide output is approximately 30% less than that of the HPS bulb, although many metal halide bulbs offer more of the valuable 700nm red spectrum light than high pressure sodium bulbs. In comparing HPS and MH, many indoor gardeners tend to favor the HPS bulbs over MH bulbs because of the lumen drop-off and the short life span of the MH bulb. Compromising with one HPS to one MH can provide dual benefits. Choosing lamps with high levels of PAR values such as 460nm, 680nm, and 700nm can help to boost your plant growth, while reducing harvest cycles (by up to 50%).

Overall, combining different types of plant lights in hydroponic gardens can provide a good balance of light intensity with an optimized PAR spectrum and deliver maximum plant growth throughout a plants’ life-cycle. Of course this generally translates into greater yields and more profitable harvests.

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Advanced Hydroponic Systems and Modern Grow Room Equipment

plantThese days, it seems like hydroponics projects are everywhere. From innovative large-scale, greenhouse gardening to classic residential grow rooms in home basements or grow tents in the guest bedroom; many gardeners and hobbyists are pursuing window farming, hanging gardens and other types of hydroponic gardening. But, it’s not clear to everyone just why this new kind of gardening is so beneficial. Here are some of the major advantages of hydroponics that are causing this industry to take off so quickly.

Advanced Hydroponic Systems provide Complete Control of the Grow Room

In many respects, hydroponic gardening is the consummation of modern science in agriculture. Hydroponics doesn’t just save us from the labor involved in “plowing the fields”; it provides a technology for complete control of sunlight, temperature, humidity, CO2, water and nutrient delivery, and pest control (to a certain extent). Systems such as ebb and flow, deep water culture and NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) generate outstanding crop yields with equipment that delivers complete climate control as well as water and fertilizer management. Modern climate controllers can run customized day and night schedules that automate your hydroponic lights, ventilation systems, CO2 burners, and grow room air conditioning units. Meanwhile, cutting edge cycle timers control the delivery of plant nutrients and water at precise intervals. Parameters can be programmed to handle grow room temperature, humidity and other variables. Modern green thumbs who learn to use advanced hydroponic systems and equipment get hooked on the fact that they have complete control of the grow environment for their plants and they can deliver consistent, impressive yields, all year round, with minimal investment in time and labor.

Hydroponic Gardening and Better Plantshydroponic system

In many cases, advanced hydroponic nutrient programs and techniques lead to healthier and more vibrant plants. Some of the latest research in horticulture and food production shows that advanced hydroponic plant nutrient programs and systems have evolved to the point that gardeners can provide the optimal mix of macro and micro nutrients, in doses that consistently produce record-breaking crops, from their smart phones! By contrast, many traditional farmers are still plagued by natural environmental phenomena that cause stunted plant growth or otherwise interfere with optimal plant development and yield.

deep water cultureHydroponic Indoor Gardening Eliminates Seasons and Allows for Growing All Year Round

Another obvious advantage of hydroponics is that farmers can grow all year round. Forget seasons and weather conditions, indoor gardeners can decide when to grow and when to bloom. Spring sunlight is available (on-tap) any time of year and many growers pack in 5 to 6 harvests a year.

If you are pondering the best ways to grow your favorite fruits and vegetables take a closer look at how modern hydroponics can deliver growth and gardens that consistently exceed all your expectations. Traditional outdoor gardening is fun, but exhausting and unpredictable. Indoor hydroponic gardening is the only way to grow for results.

Get growing!

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Coco Coir: The Ultimate Grow Media for Hydroponic Gardening

coco coirImagine a grow medium that can hold 8 to 9 times its own weight in water and holds 22% air while completely saturated; a natural, environmentally-friendly and completely renewable grow medium with a consistent pH of 6.0 – 6.7; a medium with strong anti-fungal properties that inhibit the presence of root-zone pathogens like pythium and phytopthora. Add to the list: lightweight, outstanding drainage, superb air porosity and excellent cation exchange capacity. Imagine that this 100% renewable resource is easily rehydrated, never shrinks or cracks and the top-layer always remains dry (thus discouraging the growth of fungal infections and fungus gnats.) No need to imagine – I am writing about Coco Coir: the ultimate grow media for hydroponic gardening.

Coco Coir is Replacing Peat and Rockwool as the ideal medium for Hydroponic GardeningCoco Coir

When a hydroponic grower is accustomed to achieving outstanding results growing with peat, Rockwool, or any effective soil-less medium, it is very difficult to convince them that there is something better. Despite this resistance, ever since the late 80’s innovative hydroponic growers have been catching on to the idea that the advantages of indoor growing with coco coir far outweigh the challenges involved. First of all, the outstanding porosity of this medium holds more than double the amount of air held by Rockwool. At only 10% air porosity, beginners using Rockwool run the risk of oversaturating the media and oxygen depriving plants in the root zone. This risk is minimized in coco because of its exceptional air retention ratio (22%).

Coco Coir Possesses Antifungal and Root Stimulant properties that are not available in any other Hydroponic Gardening Medium

Coco coirAside from its amazing air retention properties, coco coir possesses powerful antifungal and root-stimulant properties. These natural antifungal properties ensure that plants are resistant to many soil-borne diseases and pathogens such as pythium and phytopthora. Bearing in mind that coconuts can spend long periods of time floating in the ocean before landing on an island and developing into a full blown coconut tree; it is obvious that coconuts must have an incredibly tough physical resistance to salt, humidity, microbes and pathogens as well as the force of the ocean. These unique properties are available to you as a hydroponic grower when you learn to work with this miraculous medium.

In case you remain unconvinced, consider the fact that coco coir is an organic 100% renewable and environmentally friendly resource. The same cannot be said for peat or Rockwool.

If you need a proven nutrient regiment to use for the coco coir medium, we highly recommend Nutri-Plus Coco Plus Grow/Bloom. It is a nutrient-rich solution that helps users obtain high yields. It is user-friendly, doesn’t contain any residues and it is not harmful for the environment. Directly absorbable, it is a complete solution to obtain fantastic growing.

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Fulvic Acid in Hydroponics

fulvic acid
Raw fulvic acid

To get some of the best tips for hydroponic and indoor growing, today’s modern farmers can actually take a good look at the soil used in traditional farming. Not everyone is familiar with the actual chemical ingredients of the rich, dark stuff; commonly called organic matter or humus in a high school textbook. A closer study of the nutrients in soil is often key to a better understanding of how to optimize your plant nutrient program and hydroponic system in order to maximize yield size and quality.

Nutri Plus Pure Gold 1 L
Pure gold is concentrated Fulvic Acid

What is Fulvic Acid and what can Humates do for your Plants?

Fulvic acid is one of several primary organic acids (classed as humates) that are the direct result of decomposition of organic matter – such as old leaves in your backyard. It is one of the essential elements that gives good soil its dark, loamy color. Additionally, Fulvic acid contains more than 70+ trace minerals (Carbon, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Iron to name a few), which is why it is considered one of the essential building blocks of life. Fulvic acid and other humates are part of a complex cocktail of organic acids and minerals that help plants digest the nutrients that you put into a hydroponic mix.  These elements work through a process called chelation, where they bond to nutrients and help them get absorbed more readily by plants, thus increasing nutrient uptake. Humates have also been known to help plants by acting as a facilitator in the process of photosynthesis. Scientists have found that fulvic acid increases energy production by plants in photosynthesis. But, as with many other aspects of hydroponic systems, the key is to know how to use fulvic acid effectively.

organic rescue mist rapid flower rtu
Organic Rescue makes RTU foliars

Fulvic Acid as a pH Buffer?

Fulvic acid can help your plants combat sudden fluctuations in pH. When treated with a regular diet of Fulvic acid, plants build up a greater resistance to pH fluctuations. It acts as a shock absorber because the nitrogen it contains is very slowly released. Also, the pH of fulvic acid is right around 4 but keep in mind, it is a very weak organic acid. Fulvic acid properly diluted does not affect the pH of water. It is an amphiprotic molecule, meaning it is a great free radical scavenger (anti-oxidant) that can accept or donate a proton where needed. This very handy bi-directionality allows fulvic acid to buffer pH and make cells less susceptible to wild pH fluctuation.

Combine Fulvic Acid with a Balanced and Complete Plant Nutrient Program

Because fulvic acid is an effective humate, it complements almost any robust hydroponic nutrient program. Think of Fulvic acid as a claw that grabs onto other minerals and takes them into a plants cells and roots. This claw ability of Fulvic Acid greatly increases nutrient absorption through a cell membrane, across the cytoplasm and directly to the nucleus of cells. Not only that, but once they are inside a plant cell, fulvic acids are catalysts that ensure cells get exactly the right amount of nutrients they need while chelating harmful toxins into a harmless form that plants will ignore. The bottom line is that humic and fulvic acid allow indoor growers to get the most of their balanced and complete plant nutrient program.

Nutri Plus Pure Black 4 L
Pure Black is concentrated Humic Acid

Some products that contain high quality Fulvic Acid are Organic Rescue Mist, Nutri Plus Pure Black, and Nutri Plus Pure Gold. You can get your Fulvic Acid fix with any of these great products available at

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Grozone CO2 Burners are only as good as the CO2 Climate Controllers which govern them

Grozone LP5 CO2 Generator
Grozone LP5 CO2 Generator

It goes without saying that the best racing car in the world is only as good as its driver. Following this principle it is obvious that, (in an optimized indoor garden) state-of-the-art propane burners are only as good as the CO2 controllers which govern them. Even when working with the highest caliber propane burners and the most reliable climate controllers on the market, most indoor growers are fully aware of the fact that maintaining optimal levels of CO2 enriched air, while safe-guarding temperature and humidity, can be very challenging. Remember, we are trying to replicate Mother Nature at her own game here.

Reliable CO2 Enrichment and Climate Controllers are Essential for Successful Indoor Gardening

Grozone SCO2- Single Output 0-5000 PPM CO2 Controller
Grozone SCO2 Conroller

Grow rooms and greenhouses that work with CO2 enrichment require precise gassing and exhaust cycles in addition to fail-safe monitoring controllers that will kick-start the CO2 burner when CO2 levels are too low and trigger the exhaust fans when temperature and humidity soars too high. Experienced growers know that it is essential to shut down all exhaust fans while your CO2 burner is at work. Without exhaust, precious CO2 gas stays in the grow room where photosynthesis multiplies in productivity and growth. But, at the same time, excess heat and humidity can build-up with nowhere to go – and thus the challenge begins.

The Grozone SCO2 and CO2R Balance Simplicity with Functionality and Reliability in your Grow Room

Grozone’s SCO2 is the benchmark in simplicity and reliability in managing CO2 enrichment in your grow room. This easy-to-use CO2 controller can be programmed to activate and shut-off CO2 burners to maintain (user-defined) high and low CO2 levels in the grow room. The SCO2 can be programmed to shut-down CO2 enrichment at night and begin an evacuation sequence. It comes with a built-in CO2 sniffer.

Grozone CO2R- Dual Output 0-5000 PPM CO2 Controller
Grozone CO2R Controller

Grozone’s CO2R comes with the same functionality and reliability as the SCO2 except that it includes a second Output Box, which can be used to control your exhaust fan (which is stopped when the CO2 generator is activated). The CO2R also includes a fail-safe High Temperature Shut Off, in order to stop the CO2 burner and reactivate the exhaust fan if room temperature soars beyond a preset limit.

Grozone CO2D- 0-5000 PPM Dual Zone CO2 Controller
Grozone CO2D Controller

Grozone’s CO2D can manage CO2 enrichment and exhaust cycles in two rooms simultaneously

Grozone’s CO2D Dual Zone Controller is Grozone’s flagship CO2 controller. It has the unique capacity to manage CO2 enrichment and exhaust cycles in two rooms simultaneously. The CO2-D controller includes two high grade CO2 sniffers 25 feet of cable and a similar highly functional and reliable digital controller box. By merely clicking and dialing, you can easily plug-in the high and low values for each zone.

The Biowave Revolution: Subsonic Harmonic Waves that Deliver Real Yield Increases

Biowave MiniI am sure we’ve all heard the myth about the idea that talking to our plants will yield stronger healthier plants. This myth has been carried down from generation to generation, around the world and propagated by so many convinced gardeners that most of us believe it’s true. Wait a minute – is this really just a myth? If it were true, would it be because of the sound of our voice or the CO2 we exhale when we breathe or something else?

The truth is that there is no significant evidence to support the claim that talking to our plants yields a measurable increase in plant growth. Most serious agronomists would dismiss this theory as a folk-tale and these experienced agronomists and commercial gardeners are understandably skeptical about any technology that is approximately close to the idea of sound waves and yield increases. This is why the Biowave – with its innovative subsonic harmonic waves – has been a very tough sell to the commercial gardening community.

The Biowave Machine Generates Real Crop Yield and Sugar-level Increases while Repelling Pests

Putting aside our suspicions and disbelief and looking at the Biowave as a true crop growth innovation that realistically delivers a 20% yield increase in harvested plants (average) and more than a 50% increase in sugars, let’s try to understand how this new technology really works. The folks at Biowave will tell you that they came across this technology by accident, but they will also comment on the fact that they’ve spent the past 3 years developing and testing the Biowave – perfectly isolating the frequency that magically dilates the stomata of plants and increases plant respiration and sugar (brix) production.

The Biowave brings its Innovative Subsonic Harmonic Technology to Expansive Farm Land and Indoor GardensBiowave Resonance

Biowave industries of California recently introduced into the world of Hydroponics and commercial agriculture two models of their cutting-edge Biowave machine. The outdoor unit (DI-9000) is powered by solar cells and covers an impressive 10 acres of farm land. The indoor gardening unit (DI-9200) has a range of almost 1.5 acres and is meant to be installed in the middle of the greenhouse; above the canopy level. Gardeners around the world have realized surprising results by running this device for 15 minutes every hour of light from early growth straight through flowering.

Aside from its Magical Effect on Plants, the Biowave Repels Insects

In addition to a huge crop yield increase and elevated brix levels, this marvel of cutting-edge horticulture technology has one more exciting feature. It turns out that the same subsonic harmonic waves that resonate with plants natural frequencies also repel bugs! Conclusive testing confirms diminished insect levels in the vicinity of the Biowave. (This includes everything from spider mites to sciarid flies and other garden pests). Think the BioWave machines are too expensive for you home grow room? With the BioWave mini, this subsonic harmonic wave technology is only a click away for under $1,000.00.

Regardless of whether you believe in talking to your plants or not, the benefits of this revolutionary advance in horticulture are too impressive to overlook. All you have to do is plug in the Biowave and start increasing your yield today!

Biowave PhD Study

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